Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What is Extreme Trail Riding...???

 Course at the Bolender Horse Park

 course at Extreme Trail Pauwel's built by Mark Bolender

Extreme Trail Riding is like Mountain trail riding on steroids.

In the sport of Mountain Trail Riding the horse and rider navigate trail obstacles with skill and finesse against a ticking clock. There are graded levels of difficulty and horse and rider will navigate the trail with accuracy, subtlety and speed.

Extreme Trail Riding is similar to Mountain Trail riding but with far more difficult challenges in terms of the obstacles and time requirements. In fact, the obstacles frequently are way more challenging than you would experience on a real trail ride. The obstacles in Extreme Trail come at you one after another and often together.

In Mountain Trail Riding negotiating a gate, cowboy curtain, or pond is common. But when all of these are united into a single obstacle, it constitutes and Extreme Trail Riding obstacle. 

To execute these taxing obstacles in Extreme Trail riding with finesse you must have a true partnership between horse and rider. Lack of subtlety is obvious to anybody watching. When the horse and rider disconnect, it seems like the rider is forcing the horse to perform the task of negotiating the obstacles.

an extreme trail created by Mark in Rural SW Missouri

At Bolender Horse Park (BHP) you can learn how to negotiate these obstacles. Horse Trainer Mark Bolender designed BHP to meet the needs of the horse and rider of any skill level in the sport. Thus, at any one time, amateurs and professionals alike can be found training for Mountain Trail and Extreme Trail at BHP.

Learn more about Mark and the Bolender Horse Park here

 Bolender Horse Park is now on Youtube.....
click here to see Mark and his Horse Park in action

Mark Bolender
Bolender Horse Park

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